Autor Tópico: [Livro] Biomech.Basis of Hum. Mov. - J. Hamill and K. Knutzen, T. Derrick (2014)  (Lida 387 vezes)

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Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement - J. Hamill and K. Knutzen, T. Derrick (2014)


Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement [4th Ed] - J. Hamill and K. Knutzen, T. Derrick (2014)

| September 2014 | ISBN-10: 1451177305 | 496 Pages | True PDF | 35.1 mb


Focusing on the quantitative nature of biomechanics, Biomechanical Basis of Movement, Fourth Edition integrates current literature, meaningful numerical examples, relevant applications, hands-on exercises, and functional anatomy, physics, calculus, and physiology to help your students develop a holistic understanding of human movement. The book’s chapters are essentially self-contained, allowing you maximum teaching flexibility in structuring your course.
The Fourth Edition offers new content, new examples and applications, and online teaching and learning resources to save you time and help your students succeed.

Instructor Resources:

NEW! A robust problem generator randomly generates an unlimited number of numerical problems you can assign to students for practice and self-testing.
Brownstone test generator, loaded with pre-made text-specific questions, saves you time and makes creating and printing tests easy.
Pre-loaded PowerPoint presentations speed lecture preparation.
A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation.
WebCT and Blackboard Ready Cartridges allow you to connect to your preferred course management system with ease.

Student Resources:

Answers to the text’s review questions help students master key concepts.
Confidence-building practice quizzes allow students to test their understanding of key concepts and prepare for exams.
MaxTRAQ motion analysis software brings concepts to life and allows students to track data and analyze motion in a in a dynamic, video-enriched environment.
The fully searchable textbook online is ideal for review on the go!


Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
SECTION I Foundations of Human Movement 1
1 Basic Terminology 3
2 Skeletal Considerations for Movement 25
3 Muscular Considerations for Movement 59
4 Neurologic Considerations for Movement 99
SECTION II Functional Anatomy 129
5 Functional Anatomy of the Upper Extremity 131
6 Functional Anatomy of the Lower Extremity 172
7 Functional Anatomy of the Trunk 241
SECTION III Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion 281
8 Linear Kinematics 283
9 Angular Kinematics 318
10 Linear Kinetics 346
11 Angular Kinetics 391
APPENDIX A The Metric System and SI Units 441
APPENDIX B Trigonometric Functions 445
APPENDIX C Sample Kinematic and Kinetic Data 449
APPENDIX D Numerical Example for Calculating Projectile 457
Glossary 459
Index 473





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