Autor Tópico: [PDTV] National Geographic - Afghan Heroin: The Lost War *FTP*  (Lida 496 vezes)

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English | 130 mins | 512 x 384 | 25fps | Xvid | AC3 - 128kbs | 349 MB
Genre: Documentary


Afghan Heroin: The Lost War is a one-hour documentary which investigates how the war on terror in Afghanistan has unleashed heroin into
the mainstream.Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs on Earth. Some 90 per cent of the drug is grown in Afghanistan and this hard hitting
documentary investigates how the War on Terror has inadvertently unleashed a massive supply of the deadly drug.


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« Última modificação: 13 de Agosto de 2010, 20:24 por Ferro_DG »


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Re:[PDTV] National Geographic - Afghan Heroin: The Lost War *FTP*
« Responder #1 em: 29 de Agosto de 2010, 00:13 »
Obrigado  :s;