Autor Tópico: [Livro] 3-Minute Horsemanship - 60 Amaz. Achievable Less. - Vanessa Bee (2013)  (Lida 286 vezes)

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3-Minute Horsemanship - 60 Amazingly Achievable Lessons - Vanessa Bee (2013)


3-Minute Horsemanship - 60 Amazingly Achievable Lessons

Trafalgar Square Books | October 2013 | ISBN-10: 1570766207 | ePUB | 39,5 mb


We have all been told that when we work with horses, we should feel like we have all the time in the world. After all, on one end of the lead rope is a horse that needs a chance to understand what is being asked and enough time to figure out the right answer. But on the other end of the lead rope is a twenty-first-century horse owner, often with a full calendar, a mobile phone, and always one eye on the clock. Day after day we promise to train ourselves and our horses to improve, but when we get to the barn, there never seems to be enough time. But as it turns out, what really matters is the quality of the training you do manage to fit in. It really is possible to carry out solid, progressive training with a horse in only three minutes a day! In this invaluable book, educator and horse trainer Vanessa Bee shares her own brief, digestible lessons that can ultimately produce significant gains in horse and human in very short sessions. 35 ground exercises, 25 ridden exercises, and 15 “real world” scenarios will help you and your horse succeed in no time!





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