Autor Tópico: [DVDRip] Gasland (2010) *Kata*  (Lida 645 vezes)

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[DVDRip] Gasland (2010) *Kata*
« em: 16 de Dezembro de 2010, 20:29 »



Genre: Documentary
Size: 700MB
Quality: 576×320, 812 kbps, MP3 Audio
Runtime: 102 minutes


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Josh Fox
Scott Stringer   ...    Himself


It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy
company wanting to lease their property. Reason? The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi
Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process
called "fracking"-and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpow.


