Autor Tópico: [HDTV] National Geographic - Egypts Lost Rival (2011) *FQM*  (Lida 557 vezes)

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  • País: ar
  • Sexo: Masculino


Language: English | 00:44:48 | 624 x 352 | PAL (29.97fps) | XVID 960kbps |
MP3 - 128kbps | 349 Mb | Genre: TVshow | Documentary


It rivaled ancient Egypt but was lost to history. Now a team of archeologists have made a major discovery in the Syrian desert:
artifacts from a burial chamber deep within an ancient palace that paint a never-before-seen picture of a powerful metropolis
known as Qatna. What became of its vast riches? And what brought about the final fate of this ancient superpower?


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