Autor Tópico: [Livro] 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas - M. Alexander, D. Kusleika (2014)  (Lida 448 vezes)

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101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas - M. Alexander, D. Kusleika (2014)


101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas - Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika

Formato: True PDF (RaR)
Tamanho: 17 MB
Data de publicação: August 11, 2014
Genero: Excel Formulas
Autor: Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika
Idioma: Ingles
ISBN-10: 1118902688
ISBN-13: 978-1118902684


This is the sort of book that is well worth its space on the bookshelf. I recall using several of the formulas in this guide, but it has been long enough that most of them have slipped my mind. There are many interesting formulas that are new to me as well. This thin book is filled with practical excel formulas, presented in a concise manner. Introductory notes of sorts will precede a formula, with an explanation of how it works to follow. There are several alternatives offered, where applicable.

Early chapters provide formula fundamentals, and progressively move into more intricate formulas further in. There are basic formulas for totals, complex formulas that refer to other worksheets, lookup formulas, string concatenation formulas, conditional formulas, and all sorts of fun things to have within reach.

I love this handy little reference, and if the rest of the Mr. Spreadsheet’s Bookshelf series of books is anything like this, it would make for quite the collection of just the facts guides that minimize the need to rummage through pages. With 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas, when you need it, you quickly find it, and then you’re done.




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Re: [Livro] 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas - M. Alexander, D. Kusleika (2014)
« Responder #1 em: 08 de Outubro de 2016, 16:34 »
