Autor Tópico: [HDTV] National Geographic - Death Of A Mars Rover (2011) *FQM*  (Lida 490 vezes)

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English | 00:44:58 | XviD | 624x352 | 29.97fps 955 Kbps | MP3 128 Kbps 48.0khz |
349 Mb | Genre: Documentary


When the twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity touched down on Mars in January 2004, they were expected to drive a few
hundred yards and last ninety days. Seven-plus years later, the hardy robots have proven to be two of the greatest
explorers of the Space Age, trekking miles across hostile deserts, climbing mountains, scrambling in and out of craters,
and cheating death many times. Now comes the sad news that while Opportunity continues to roll, Spirit has reached
the end of the road. Death of a Mars Rover tells the epic story of Spirit and Opportunity, and the desperate effort to
save Spirit after she drove into a quicksand trap and then fell silent over a year ago.


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