Autor Tópico: [Software] SiSoftware Sandra Pro Business v2011.8.17.70 *FOSI*  (Lida 532 vezes)

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SiSoftware Sandra Pro Business v2011.8.17.70-FOSI :windows:


SiSoftware Sandra was designed to be a 32 and 64-bit Windows system analyser that includes benchmarking, testing
and listing modules. It tries to go beyond other utilities to show you more of what is really going on under the hood
so you draw comparisons at both a high and low-level in a single product. You can get information about the CPU,
chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, Windows internals, AGP, ODBC Connections,
USB2, Firewire etc. You can save/print/fax/e-mail/post/upload or insert into ADO/ODBC databases reports in text,
HTML, XML, SMS/DMI or RPT format.

Release Name: SiSoftware.Sandra.Pro.Business.v2011.8.17.70-FOSI
Size: 54.72 MB


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