Maurice Jarre - The Essential Film Music Collection (2000) *fraty*Interprete : Maurice Jarre
Album : The Essential Film Music Collection
Ano : 2000
Género : Instrumental\Banda Sonora Original
Ficheiros : 26
Codificação : MP3
Bitrate : 320
Qualidade : Muito Boa
CD 1
01 - Overture from Lawrence of Arabia (4:25)
02 - Suite from Doctor Zhivago (9:11)
03 - Adela's Theme from A Passage to India (2:23)
04 - Suite from Jesus of Nazareth (8:21)
05 - End Credits from Ghost (4:26)
06 - Main Theme from Villa Rides (3:28)
07 - Suite from The Fixer (7:11)
08 - Fanfare/I Ain't Captain Walker from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (5:00)
09 - Main Title/The Samurai from Red Sun (6:59)
10 - March from Topaz (2:36)
11 - Allie's Theme from The Mosquito Coast (3:34)
12 - Kwan's Sacrifice from The Year of Living Dangerously (4:03)
13 - Building the Barn from Witness (5:01)
14 - The Paris Waltz from Is Paris Burning ? (3:50)
CD 2
01 - Lara's Theme from Doctor Zhivago (3:17)
02 - Suite from Ryan's Daughter (8:53)
03 - Overture from The Professionals (5:23)
04 - Theme from Fatal Attraction (4:59)
05 - Suite from The Tin Drum (6:56)
06 - Main Title from No Way Out (3:29)
07 - Suite from Enemy Mine (9:25)
08 - Theme from The Night of the Generals (3:53)
09 - Main Title from El Condor (3:20)
10 - Theme from The Man Who Would Be King (4:24)
11 - Building the Barn - Orchestral Version from Witness (4:39)
12 - Suite from Lawrence of Arabia (12:58) Colectanea reunindo até ao ano de 2000,algumas das melhores criações deste fantástico compositor de bandas sonoras originais.