Autor Tópico: [PDTV] La Légende du Tour de France (2013) *KULTURA*  (Lida 441 vezes)

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[PDTV] La Légende du Tour de France (2013) *KULTURA*
« em: 30 de Julho de 2013, 02:21 »

Código: [Seleccione]

La Légende du Tour de France
(The Tour: The Legend of the Race)

Nationality : France
Genre(s) : Documentaire
Channel : Arte
Duration : 2 x 60mn
Production Year : 2013
Quality : PDTV
Codecs : x264 | AAC
Language(s) : Francais
Subtitles : Aucun

1.71Go en 2 episodes


Jean-Christophe Rosé


Jean-Christophe Rosé directs this documentary tracing the history of the world's most famous cycle race. Celebrating the event's centenary year, the film highlights
the tour's enduring relationship with the public by looking back at the legendary riders whose names have become synonymous with the race, including Fausto
Coppi, Louison Bobet, Jacques Anquetil, Raymond Poulidor, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, Miguel Indurain, Bradley Wiggins and Lance Armstrong.


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